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Embrace The Cringe.

Do you have a dream of creating something of your own? Perhaps a project or business you have imagined yourself starting?

Chances are you have had an idea pop up in your mind.

For a long time I have wanted to be creating content through video and writing around my interest for self-improvement and creating a great life for yourself.

We all want to be perfect, but when starting something new we won't. Our first baby steps in a new project or area of life will have imperfections and an element of cringe.

But if we let that cringe hinder us, we miss out on actually doing, practicing and creating things that will help us improve and one day be where we want to be.

Embrace the cringe, the wobbly baby steps. The only thing that's really cringe is never trying.

Giving Up On My Dream Project

As I said earlier, I have wanted to create content for a long time. In my early teens I started multiple YouTube channels where I created videos around my interests. The videos were terrible, and were mostly me playing video games trying to be like my YouTube inspirations.

I have probably created around 12 YouTube channels during the last 10 years of my life, and they were all short lived. After just a few videos I abandoned them completely, leaving my dream to wither away...

There are two reasons why I quit all my projects after a short time.

  1. I tried to copy others, instead of following my own creativity.

  2. When my creations were not as good as I wanted, I just gave up.

Because of this, all my YouTube, streaming and business projects have been short lived and doomed to fail.

I don't want want this to happen again. Today I have a dream, a goal, and a vision of where I want to be. What kind of person I want to be.

And I have learned to realize that on the road there I will have to face cringe, challenge, and self-doubt

The videos and blog posts I am currently creating to build my brand can sometimes feel cringe to me. I want to create very high quality content, but there is a lot I have to learn and experiment with to reach that standard.

Putting yourself out there creates a lot of fear of humiliation and failure, and this is what has put a end to my previous projects.

This time, I have learned I must embrace the cringe, the fact that I have things to learn, the fact that I am not perfect. The fact that it's a process that takes time.

The same applies to you, and any dream project you carry within you. The only thing that is really cringe is never trying. And the only way forward is through all the cringe, challenge and self-doubt. What we want is on the other side.

End Note - Embrace The Cringe.

If theres one thing I want you to take with you from this post, it is this;

We all want to be perfect, but our first steps in a new project or area of life will have imperfections and an element of cringe. This is not bad. Embrace the cringe, the wobbly baby steps. We all have to endure our starting point and start working our way up. The only thing that's really cringe is never trying.

1 Comment

Rasha Yagami
Rasha Yagami
Sep 11, 2024

nice blog loved it

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