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After one week of blogging, Im scared..

pen and paper

Hello people, this is a more personal post. It's just a week ago I started this blog. Since then I've had fun setting up the website and writing my first few posts. But I must admit, It's scary. I am scared of repeating what I have done in the past, starting something new with lots of hope and doing it diligently for a while, to then quit completely...

Throughout my life I have always loved trying new things. Different martial arts, leatherwork, starting bands, becoming a personal trainer or even trying to start a marketing business. Of course, I have started all these things while being very young and inexperienced but I always believed I would succeed eventually. On all my newfound ideas, I went into it pedal to the metal, but when the intial burst of hope and motivation was dissolved into reality, I quit. Returning to my old habits with a sense of failure.

Not Being Alone

Yesterday I wrote about this fear in a reddit forum about blogging, and a lot of good people took their time to respond to me. I got a lot of thoughts and feedback, some people even shared my interest for the topics I write about here, which brought me great joy.

It also made me realize something, that all those other attempts of starting something, I always did so alone without talking about it to anyone else. I guess there was some sort of fear of being seen as weird, or having them see me fail at it.

Writing that post yesterday and having people respond, relate and even compliment me for being honest, felt like a big hug. Even after one week of blogging, It felt like I had been the only person in the world trying this, with no one to understand. But then realized I was not alone at all.

The Why

A lot of people asked me why I initially started this blog, and what the goal was. Because my fear of failing would only come true if I could not reach my goals. So I thought about it, what is my reason for starting Lagom Lessons.

I didn't start this blog to make money. I just wanted to write about my passions, self-improvement, a balanced lagom lifestyle and trying to find meaning. Of course I have also thought of goals while daydreaming : Write consistently and well, building a community of likeminded people to discuss these topics, maybe progressing to do Youtube videos, maybe a long while in the future even write a book. I don't know how far of a journey these goals would be, I have so much to learn, and this blog might be my chronicle of evolution.

But, first and foremost. Right here and now, I want to write to organize my thoughts into something real, that can share ideas. And I want other people to be able to find it, and share their thoughts back to me. Thinking about this let a weight off of my shoulders. The stress of success, could be released. I don't have to do this, just to become successful or achieve something specific, if Im in it for the process. One Step At A Time

I guess taking things one mindful step at a time, is a good approach for anything in life. It can be hard not being carried away into the dreams of the future, but I will try to keep my feet on the ground beneath me in the present. I want to thank those of you who have joined my page so far, it means a great deal to me, especially those of you who have gotten in touch. I hope for us to share and learn from each other.

To end this with a fitting quote

"A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires

the flowers in your garden."

- Unknown

1 Comment

Varun Sondagar
Varun Sondagar
Jul 31, 2024

Dude u are doing great honestly I saw couple of the post they are really interesting n helpful. Keep up mate.

Also I love your writing style

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